  1. I. Sobchenko, J. Pesicka, D. Baither, W. Stracke, T. Pretorius, L.F. Chi, R. Reichelt and E. Nembach*, “Atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of nanoscale plate-shaped second phase particles”, Philosophical Magazine, 87 (17) (2007) 2427-2460.
  2. Steven Lenhert*, Ane Sesma, Michael Hirtz, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, Hans Peter Wiesmann, Anne E. Osbourn and Bruno M. Moerschbacher, “Capillary-induced contact guidance”, Langmuir, 23 (20) (2007) 10216-10223.
  3. Xiaodong Chen, Michael Hirtz, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Fabrication of gradient mesostructures by Langmuir−Blodgett rotating transfer”, Langmuir, 23 (5) (2007) 2280-2283.
  4. Xiaodong Chen, Michael Hirtz, Andrey L. Rogach, Dmitri V. Talapin, Harald Fuchs, Lifeng Chi*, “Correlating dynamics and selectivity in adsorption of semiconductor nanocrystals onto a self-organized pattern”, Nano Letters, 7 (11) (2007) 3483-3488.
  5. Xiaodong Chen, Steven Lenhert, Michael Hirtz, Nan Lu, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Langmuir–Blodgett patterning: A bottom–up way to build mesostructures over large areas”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 40 (6) (2007) 393-401. 
  6. Athanasia Böhmer, Jens Brüggemann, Astrid Kaufmann, Albena Yoneva, Sonja Müller, Walter M. Müller, Ute Müller, Frank W. Vergeer, Lifeng Chi, Luisa De Cola, Harald Fuchs, Xiaoming Chen, Takateru Kubota, Yoshio Okamoto and Fritz Vögtle*, “Long chain-substituted and triply functionalized molecular knots – synthesis, topological chirality and monolayer formation”, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (1) (2007), 45-52.
  7. Wei Hu, Nan Lu*, Hongyu Zhang, Yue Wang, Nikolaos Kehagias, Vincent Reboud, Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres, Juanyuan Hao, Wei Li, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Multicolor emission on prepatterned substrates using a single dye species”, Advanced Materials, 19 (16) (2007) 2119-2123.
  8. Ch. Eickhoff*, H. Kolev, M. Donath, G. Rangelov and L. F. Chi, “Nanostructuring of NiMnSb(110): influence on surface magnetic properties”, Physical Review B, 76 (20) (2007) 205440.
  9. Min Feng, Li Gao, Shixuan Du, Zhitao Deng, Zhihai Cheng, Wei Ji, Deqing Zhang, Xuefeng Guo, Xiao Lin, Lifeng Chi, Daoben Zhu, Harald Fuchs and Hongjun Gao*, “Observation of structural and conductance transition of rotaxane molecules at a submolecular scale”, Advanced Functional Materials, 17 (5) (2007) 770-776.
  10. D. Y. Zhong, W. C. Wang, R. F. Dou, K. Wedeking, G. Erker, L. F. Chi* and H. Fuchs, “Oligoethylene-bridged diferrocene on Ag(110): Monolayer structures and adsorbate-induced faceting”, Physical Review B, 76 (20) (2007) 205428.
  11. W. C. Wang, D. Y. Zhong, J. Zhu, F. Kalischewski, R. F. Dou, K. Wedeking, Y. Wang, A. Heuer, H. Fuchs, G. Erker and L. F. Chi*, “Patterned nucleation control in vacuum deposition of organic molecules”, Physical Review Letters, 98 (22) (2007) 225504.
  12. Marion K Brinks, Michael Hirtz, Lifeng Chi*, Harald Fuchs and Armido Studer*, “Site-Selective Surface-initiated polymerization by Langmuir–Blodgett lithography”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46 (27) (2007) 5231-5233.
  13. Taolei Sun*, Dong Han, Kristina Rhemann, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Stereospecific interaction between immune cells and chiral surfaces”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (6) (2007) 1496-1497.
  14. R. F. Dou, D. Y. Zhong, W. C. Wang, K. Wedeking, G. Erker, L. F. Chi* and H. Fuchs, “Structures and stability of ferrocene derivative monolayers on Ag(110):  scanning tunneling microscopy study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (13) (2007) 12139-12144.
  15. Kenny Kuchta, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, Markus Pötter and Alexander Steinbüchel*, “Studies on the influence of phasins on accumulation and degradation of PHB and nanostructure of PHB granules in ralstonia eutropha H16”, Biomacromolecules, 8 (2) (2007) 657-662.
  16. Chunyu Huang, Nan Lu*, Lifeng Chi*, “Surface patterning approaches based on Langmuir-Blodgett technique”, Progress in Chemistry, 19 (6) (2007) 852-859.