  1. J. H. Franke, V. Caciuc, L. F. Chi* and H. Fuchs, “Adsorption and bonding mechanism of a N,N'-di(n-butyl)quinacridone monolayer studied by density functional theory including semiempirical dispersion corrections”, Physical Review B, 78 (16) (2008) 165432.
  2. Hongbo Xu, Nan Lu*, Dianpeng Qi, Juanyuan Hao, Liguo Gao, Bo Zhang and Lifeng Chi*, “Biomimetic antireflective Si nanopillar arrays”, Small, 4 (11) (2008) 1972-1975.
  3. Liguo Gao, Nan Lu*, Juanyuan Hao, Wei Hu, Wencong Wang, Ying Wu, Yue Wang and Lifeng Chi*, “Fabrication of multicolor patterns with a single dye species on a polymer surface”, Langmuir, 24 (22) (2008) 12745-12747.
  4. Michael Hirtz, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Influence of substrate treatment on self-organized pattern formation by Langmuir−Blodgett transfer”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (3) (2008) 824-827.
  5. Dingyong Zhong, Michael Hirtz, Wenchong Wang, Ruifen Dou, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Kinetics of island formation in organic film growth”, Physical Review B, 77 (11) (2008) 113404.
  6. N. Kehagias, W. Hu, V. Reboud, N. Lu, B. Dong, L. Chi, H. Fuchs, A. Genua, J. A. Alduncín, J. A. Pomposo, D. Mecerreyes and C. M. Sotomayor Torres*, “Nanoimprint lithography and surface modification as prospective technologies for heterogeneous integration”, physica status solidi (c), 5 (12) (2008) 3571-3575.
  7. Helmut Kirchhoff*, Steven Lenhert, Claudia Büchel, Lifeng Chi and Jon Nield, “Probing the organization of photosystem II in photosynthetic membranes by atomic force microscopy”, Biochemistry, 47 (1) (2008) 431-440.
  8. Li Cai, Min Feng, Haiming Guo, Wei Ji, Shixuan Du, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs and Hong-jun Gao*, “Reversible and reproducible conductance transition in a polyimide thin film”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (44) (2008) 17038-17041.
  9. Gergana S. Nikolova*, Li Zhang*, Xiaodong Chen*, Lifeng Chi*, Günter Haufe*, “Selective synthesis and self-organization at the air/water interface of long chain fluorinated unsaturated ethyl esters and alcohols”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 317 (1-3) (2008) 414-420.
  10. Hang Sun, Weifeng Bu, Yancai Li, Haolong Li, Lixin Wu*, Changqing Sun, Bin Dong, Ruifen Dou, Lifeng Chi and Andreas Schaefer, “Self-assembled monolayers of CH3COS− terminated surfactant-encapsulated polyoxometalate complexes”, Langmuir, 24 (9) (2008) 4693-4699.
  11. Juanyuan Hao, Nan Lu*, Qiong Wu, Wei Hu, Xiaodong Chen, Hongyu Zhang, Ying Wu, Yue Wang and Lifeng Chi*, “Site-selective patterning of organic luminescent molecules via gas phase deposition”, Langmuir, 24 (10) (2008) 5315-5318.
  12. Kangjian Tang, Hui Gan, Yong Li, Lifeng Chi, Taolei Sun* and Harald Fuchs, “Stereoselective interaction between DNA and chiral surfaces”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (34) (2008) 11284-11285.
  13. Huibiao Liu*, Xiaochun Wu, Lifeng Chi*, Dingyong Zhong, Qing Zhao, Yuliang Li*, Dapeng Yu,Harald Fuchs and Daoben Zhu, “Tuning CuTCNQ nanostructures on patterned copper films”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (45) (2008) 17625-17630.
  14. Zhongcheng Mu, Lijin Shu, Harald Fuchs, Marcel Mayor* and Lifeng Chi*, “Two dimensional chiral networks emerging from the Aryl−F•••H hydrogen-bond-driven self-assembly of partially fluorinated rigid molecular structures”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (33) (2008) 10840-10841.