1985, M.S , Jilin University, Dept. of Chem.
1989, Ph.D. Max-Planck-Inst. for Biophys. Chem./Göttingen Univ., Germany
1990-1993, Post-Doc., Mainz Univ./BASF, Germany
1997-2000,won Nord professorship scholarship (Lisa-Meitner award)
1999,won "Cooperative research fund for overseas young scholars"
1993-2000, Group leader/habilitant, Phys. Insti. Münster Univ. Germany2001-2004, Private docent, Phys. Inst. Münster Univ., Germany
2004-2013, Professor, Phys. Inst., Münster Univ., Germany
2003-2011,Double pointed professor, Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, Jilin University2012-now, Professor, FUNSOM, Soochow Univ., (1000 Talent Program)
2014-now, Adjunt Professor, Phys. Inst., Münster Univ., Germany